Our gardens and parks reflect our relationships with nature. Are they controlled, formal spaces or degraded, forest places or somewhere inbetween?

Imagine a balanced approach where humans play a role not as a dominating force, nor as passive observers, but as a key part of nature. Planting habitat for pollinators, birds and wildlife is a part of healing our relationships with nature.

We need to shift away from a detached, exploitive relationship with nature toward one that is close, protective, and regenerative.  -Dr. Suzanne Simard

Featured Workshops & Services

Habitat Restoration + Restorative Practices

Workshops and coaching for Do-It-Yourself gardeners working to restore habitat in the patch of ground you call home – learn about ways to read your microclimate and garden with nature. With restorative practices, care for your nervous system and open your sense of connection. Beginners welcome!


Welcome Nature Home

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Naturescape Coach

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TRE® Tune Up

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A Parnership Approach

At the moment, do you feel like a part of nature, or apart? There are many ecological connections between humans and nature to learn about, but knowing we are a part of nature is different from feeling that connection. Reading Nature strives to connect both knowing and feeling, head and heart, science and art for a balanced approach to nature.